
Showing posts from September, 2019

Hanging Vanda plaque/Wooden Mounting Plaque

Support is the key to vanda mounting. In Orchid species, vanda is a species in the orchid family. It produces some of the more stunning blooms in the genera. This group of orchids is native to tropical Asia. They are heating-love. In their local surroundings, this orchid plant usually hangs from trees in nearly soilless media. It grows and blooms on trees. The roots hang loose in the air or are wrapped around the tree. These days, the best alternative to the tree is wood mounting plaque. Features Wooden Plaques- Wood pruned/trimmed from living hardwood trees is suitable for orchids after being dried for a few months. And, wooden plaques are the best creation made of wood. Traditionally this plant is grown in square baskets made of wooden slats. Generally, orchids do best on totally natural unpainted wood, be it branches, slabs or logs. Moreover, the wood mounting plaque/ Vanda plaque is available at orchid nurseries in many parts of the world. Hanging Plaque- Th...